Remote Viewing Examples
Here are just a few (now declassified) examples of the astonishing psi ability that remote viewers at SRI demonstrated in the government program. Most of the information from the program is still classified, but these are a few good indications of the results possible. Shown on each page is the sketch made by the psychic, and then below that, a photograph of the actual target.
Example 1
Buildings Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory target site photo, with a sketch by Viewer a hundred miles away, showing a T-shaped six-story administration building next to a row of trees, with a road separating it from a large open area. (Remote Viewer: Joseph McMoneagle.). This trial was carried out by Dr. Edwin C. May in 1987.

Example 2
Crane Drawing of a gantry crane at the secret Soviet R&D site at Semipalatinsk, showing remarkable agreement with a CIA drawing based on satellite photography. Note, for example, that both cranes have eight wheels. (Remote Viewer: Pat Price). (This trial was carried out by Russell Targ in 1974.)
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Example 3
Windmills in the Livermore Valley Foothills Windmill Farm target site photo, with a sketch by Viewer a hundred miles away, showing poles, hills, "moving electricity in the form of a grid," and "halo probably not visible to the eye," at the top of the poles. (Remote Viewer: Joseph McMoneagle). This trial was carried out by Dr. Edwin C. May in 1987.

Example 4
Runway Sketch was produced by physicist Russell Targ, who spontaneously took the role of remote Viewer in the absence of psychic Pat Price. The photograph shows the target, which was an airport on an island off San Andres, Columbia. Targ correctly saw, "Ocean at the end of a runway."

Video Evidence
Finding Patty Hearst
Spying on the Russians
Who killed Pat Price